Nutrition Tips

Like any person, nutrition and diet play a large part in our daily routine. Nutrition is especially important for athletes due to the high demands sports place on their bodies. It is important to keep the right type of fuel in the body to perform at the most efficient level. For example, if you were preparing your car for a cross-country trip, you wouldn't use cheap gasoline if you wanted to get the most miles per gallon out of your vehicle. The same goes for your body. Nutrition not only plays a large part in our performance in an activity, but it also aids in the development of a young athlete. Proper nutrition allows your body to reach maximum physical development. You could lift all the weights you want or run 10 miles a day, but if you are not putting the right nutrients into your body, you won't be able to create the muscles necessary for improvement. 

***The following should be used as a general guideline for nutrition, but is in no way an in-depth program for you. If you are looking for a more in-depth look into your dietary habits, you should contact a Registered Dietitian.***

Whether you are trying to gain muscle, reduce body fat, or maintain your current stature, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • Eat a balanced diet of approximately 60-65% of carbohydrates.
  • 15-20% Fat and 10-15% Protein. 
  • Eat a variety of healthy food (fruits, veggies, and whole grain). The more colors the better!
  • Limit the intake of fats, sugars, sodium, and carbonated drinks. 
  • Limit Nicotine. 
  • Drink plenty of water!!
  • Eat 3 meals a day with small snacks throughout the day. Try to eat a small snack every two hours between meals. These snacks should be low glycemic foods such as:

                         1. An apple with the skin

                         2. Whole wheat crackers with peanut butter

                         3. Baby carrots and hummus

                         4. Handful of walnuts or almonds

                         5. Low fat yogurt with dried fruits or nuts

                         6. Air-popped popcorn

                         7. A hard boiled egg

  • Limit the amount of calories 3 hours before sleep, especially fats. 
  • Stay hydrated at all times!! Don't wait until you are thirsty. 
  • Consume an adequate amount of calories to meet developmental needs, and extra for training. 

Design a meal plan to fit your schedule, making sure to have small snacks throughout the day. 

Increase complex carbohydrates to provide energy for activities, these carbs burn longer and slower than simple carbs. 

  • Fruits and Veggies
  • Whole Grains
  • Whole Grain Bread and Pasta
  • Nuts, Seeds, and Beans
  • Low-fat Dairy Products


Fluid Goals for Athletes

  • Drink 16 oz of water 2 hours before your activity
  • Drink 8 oz of water 15 mins before your activity
  • Drink 8 oz of water every 20 mins during activity
  • Drink 24 oz of water per pound of weight lost during activity. 

Pre-Game Nutrition

  • Eat light before your activity
  • Eat more complex carbs and limit protein and avoid fat and carbonated beverages. 
  • Eat slow and chew food to avoid indigestion
  • Drink small amounts of water before activity
  • Replace fluids lost during the activity and avoid carbonated beverages. 
  • Eat high carbohydrate foods as soon as possible. This will replace the energy you spent during exercise. 
  • Eat fruits and veggies to replace lost electrolytes. 

Post-Game Nutrition